
Dear local business: are you open or closed right now?

By far, the #1 reason that I'll google a local business is to know whether it is open or closed. a But most sites just list their hours of operation in some tiny corner of their homepage, and even fewer will dynamically tell me if the business is open at that moment. b Evidently, Google figured this out too; just search for "costco" and look on the right-hand side. c

But if I've taken the time to actually visit your website, wouldn't it be useful to tell me right away that you're open/closed? How come so few business do this?

Now, I'm a novice, but the low number of websites that do this compelled me to give it a try. d Below is a screenshot of my snippet of PHP and HTML code that I invite any local business website to copy, improve, and use as they see fit.

Click here to see the code in a plain text (i.e. copy friendly) format. e

a view of the code in a text editor

a view of the rendered out-put